Saturday, November 3, 2012

{Thirty Days of Thanks~2012; Day 3)

I'm grateful today for a Saturday with nothing on my calendar. Oh, I have SOOOOO much planned---but nothing has a timeline. Nothing HAS to be done today---oh, other than the "normal" Saturday activities---the lawn, the grocery shopping, the "cleaning of the house"--whatever that means, oh, and the watching of the BAMA vs. LSU game---ROLL TIDE! These are the things I do every weekend, so they aren't scheduled...they are just understood!

I love seeing my Google Calendar on a Saturday with the words "you have no scheduled events today". I WISH it meant I had no work---but it means the day is MINE! I can arrange my "events/work" in a way that pleases me. Joshua recently told me that he wanted to own his own business like the dad of a good friend of his, "because he can do the things he wants to do....and he has a TV in his office". YES, we all know that everyone who owns their own business just sits around all day watching TV and running from soccer game to soccer game. What I quickly told him was that this man likely works ALL THE TIME---morning, noon, night, middle of the night sometimes, because his work is always with him---not "at the office". BUT, hey, when you're 11 and you see this dad down in his office with a TV in it--you are likely thinking, "MANCAVE"---and that seems pretty awesome.

What is it about our lives that makes our TIME so valuable to us? Why do we so value time alone, or at least AWAY from the "normal" routine. I dare say it's because we are SO over scheduled in our society that we do not have adequate time for rest, for quiet thought. Even in our educational system there is RARELY time to "ponder"---we just push from one subject to the next, stuffing more and more into those thirsty brains---no wonder children are stressed out these days---we all are. BUT, I digress----sort of----TODAY, I'm grateful for some unstructured time. I had best get off the computer and start blowing leaves. I'm not too excited about that----but, at least I get to decide when I'll do it.

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