Monday, November 7, 2011

{Thirty Days of Thanks~Day 7}

WOW! I was working on another post for today, but something interrupted me and now this HAS to be today's post! That one can wait for another day!

One of the saddest parts to me about all the changes in my family is not my own personal sadness, but grieving for my children. I have amazing children, who all seem to be "Okay"---as one of them recently told me, "whatever that means have a new 'Okay' now". But, I know this affects them---obviously I'm with my son more than my daughters, so I see the affects on him more than they. He has a lot of trouble sleeping these days. There are likely several reasons for this, but suffice it to say, it's a major struggle for him to get to sleep at night.

Tonight (Sunday, 11/6) was another such night and he came into my room very anxious. As we began to talk about things I just felt prompted to ask him again about his relationship with Christ. He "said a prayer to ask Jesus into his heart" at a camp one time, but I know he didn't understand even the basics of what that meant. I'm not in his head or heart, but I just felt like he needed to trust Christ. As we began to talk it out it was one of those beautiful moments in parenting when you wish it was being recorded so you'd never forget any of it, but recording it would just be wrong---you know what I mean? We had a sweet conversation about his heart and where he was with Christ. As he began to talk through it all, I could see him resisting and the LORD was pursuing him so hard. Finally, I asked what was keeping him from trusting Christ tonight;  He said he KNEW he would just weep and lose control and this pride was keeping him from coming to the LORD. He finally said he wanted to trust Christ and give his life to him. We went into his room and knelt at his bed and he prayed the most beautiful prayer---honestly---just beautiful---full of his desire to KNOW God and walk with him. He was thoughtful and purposeful in his prayer and I was convicted that my prayers are not this thoughtful most days. OUCH~

There is NO GREATER PRIVILEGE than leading your child to Christ---I have been fortunate to be with all my children at this sweet time and I am SO grateful. SO, now, my entire family is sealed in Christ. This day, uh, yesterday for you!---November 6, 2011 is a blessed day. Praise the LORD with me!


ConnieB said...

Praise the Lord! Thanks for sharing that special spiritual marker with us today! Love you & and yours!

Allison said...

PRAISE the LORD!!!! I am rejoicing with you!

Shannon Walker said...

I just now happened upon this post, Kathleen...and I am crying with you. I was also blessed to be with Dylan when he prayed to receive Christ... and it is one of the most precious moments of a mother's life. God is so merciful and good!